physical therapist assisting patient
Is Physical Therapy painful?
For many patients, one of the primary objectives is pain relief. This is frequently accomplished with hands-on techniques, modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and/or heat or cold therapy. Movement often provides pain relief as well. Your Physical Therapist will provide you with the appropriate exercises not only for pain relief, but to recover range of motion, strength, and endurance.
What do Physical Therapists do?
Physical Therapists are experts in movement and function, so they do not confine their talents to only treating people who are ill. A large part of a Physical Therapist’s program is directed at preventing injury, loss of movement, and even surgery.
Who do we serve?
Adults of all ages.
Will my physical therapy be covered by insurance?
Yes. Medicare Part B and other insurance plans can pay for therapy services performed at home. Many supplemental insurance providers follow Medicare’s reimbursement protocols. Our office will be happy to assist in contacting your insurance company and determining your coverage based on your individual policy.
What if I don’t have insurance?
For patients who do not have insurance, we offer a discounted fee, due at the time of service.
How are you different from home health services?
Home health companies provide therapy to patients who are homebound . There is a certain criteria for a patient to be homebound. Often after getting discharged from homecare patients need outpatient therapy and if due to any reason they are unable to go there, we can instead provide those services to the patient at home. We are mobile outpatient/on- site therapy.
Can we receive on-site therapy while getting home health services at the same time?
No, but you can call our office and we can coordinate a visit for you after you are discharged by the homecare services.
Which insurance plans do you accept?
We accept Medicare, most auto insurances, and most worker’s comp.
Do I have to pay for out-of-pocket expenses?
That depends on your insurance plan if it includes co-pay. Usually, these services are covered by the insurance plans we accept.
What should I wear to my appointment?
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. If you have a low back or knee injury, please wear  shorts or sweatpants.